P5 German 1.4.20

Guten Morgen Klasse 5! Wie geht’s? Ich bin sehr gut!

In class we have been learning the names for stationery.

  1. Make a collection of these items: das Buch, das Papier, das Heft, das Lineal, der Bleistift, der Radiergummi, der Spitzer, der Filzstift, die Schere ( answers in English at the bottom if you have forgotten!)
  2. Can you teach this vocabulary to someone at home? What games will help you teach and learn? Think of the games we play in class.
  3. If you have access to the internet, use http://www.linguascope.com to practise vocabulary ( Level 1, Das Tägliche Leben, In meinem Etui ). The password is in your home learning bag.

Viel Glück!
( book , paper, jotter, ruler, pencil, rubber, sharpener, felt pen, scissors )