
In Edinburgh children and young people are at the heart of our vision for the future.

As an inclusive community we work with parents, carers and, where appropriate, partner agencies to support all children and young people.

By working together, we help children and young people to develop understanding about relationships, respect, teamwork, honesty, fairness, patience, and compassion. We do this by offering interesting and relevant learning experiences, by providing our staff with the training and resources they need, and by working with the whole community to accept and care for one another.  This isn’t always easy, but we believe it is essential so that our children and young people understand the people they meet and learn how to work together to handle setbacks and difficult situations throughout their lives.

When children and young people experience adverse events or as a response to their additional support need, they let us know by reacting in different ways.  This presents difficulties for those around them.  By working together, by understanding the cause and working out solutions, we can find a way to solve or deal with a problem.  If it takes time to get over a problem we will work with a child, young person, and their family to work out the best way forward.  This may involve making adaptations and providing additional support or in exceptional circumstances identifying a change of environment.

We recognise that we all experience difficult times, and that everyone deserves the best possible care and support.  In Edinburgh we support children and young people to learn in different ways according to their needs. As children and young people learn to read, write, and count some require more support than others do. This need for support arises for a variety of reasons learning difficulties, challenges with emotional regulation and social communication issues.  We must meet the needs of all our students in a fair, compassionate, and proportionate way.

In considering how to support all children and young people reach their full potential   it may not always be possible to arrive at a resolution all parties agree.  However, we will to listen to any parent, young person, child or member of staff and work together to resolve difficulties.

We are committed to do all we can to make Edinburgh an inclusive place to live and learn.

Lorna French

Head of Schools and Lifelong Learning and Chief Education Officer

The Promise

Scotland made a promise to care experienced children and young people:

You will grow up loved, safe and respected. And by 2030, that promise must be kept. At Roseburn Primary The Promise underpins our school values and vision for our learners. More information about The Promise can be found here.

Roseburn Attendance Procedures

Remote Learning

Digital Learning Support

Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood (RSHP) Information for Parents and carers

Roseburn School Policies and Practices

Signed Inclusion Statement By Alistair Gaw


Equalities and Diversity Policy November 2020

Child Protection Policy Roseburn 2018

Child Protection Policy

Our Child Protection Policy was created in line with current guidance from City of Edinburgh Council, and in collaboration with school staff and the RSPP.

Roseburn Reading Guidelines 2019

Roseburn Home-Learning Policy

roseburn home learning policy

At Roseburn we believe that home-learning should extend and support learning while providing an opportunity for personalisation and choice.

Weekly and monthly tasks are set with a balance between core ‘non negotiable’  tasks and a choice from a range of others. Our “Home-learning Grids”  identify the link between learning in school and at home. They will be shared with you on the first Monday of each month.

Cursive Handwriting

This Parent and Carer Guide to Handwriting at Roseburn  supports our approach and teaching of handwriting in school.

Handwriting Parent Guide Jan 19 (1)

Parent Engagement Policy