Roseburn Eco-Schools

Roseburn Primary School have been awarded their green-flag renewal in April 2022. The current Eco Warriors have started a new Green Flag journey to receive their next Green Flag Award in April 2024.

Roseburn is an ECO-School

Our ECO Warriors are elected each year by their peers. Here are the ECO warriors for session 202.23

We are delighted. Roseburn were awarded their 6th Green Flag renewal in April 2022. Congratulations to the ECO Warrior Leadership Team. Have a look at our school display and certificate below!


Please take a few minutes to listen to this Rap created by Molly and Gauri in p7. They inspire us to look after Mother Nature.

Action Plan for Renewal (April 2022)

Above are the targets on our 2019 -21 Eco Schools Action Plan.
Our three targets were Litter and waste, Food and the Environment, Health and Wellbeing

ECO SCHOOLS: The 7 Elements

ElementsRoseburn Eco Warriors: Our Achievements
Eco CommitteeEach year from P1 to 7 classes vote for an Eco Warrior to join our Eco-Leadership Team. They meet on each month to discuss progress and next steps, and share key messages at assembly. Older children support p1 and p2 ECO Warriors.   Children from all classes support the work of the Eco-Leadership Team via their Class Leadership Teams; Equalities, Rights Respecters, Pupil Council.
Environmental ReviewThis was updated by our Eco Warriors with their classes in January 2022. The outcome of the review was used to update our original Action Plan.
Action PlanAction Plan 2019 to 2021 was written, and updated in January 2022. At the end of each academic session the Eco-Leadership Team evaluates progress to ensure the action plan has been implemented. Also at meetings throughout the year the Leadership Team monitor progress and decide on next steps.
 MeasuringFor Eco School’s activities we are required to find out if our topic and goal work is successful, by measuring its success and impact.
Links to the CurriculumThrough our Sustainability Programme, children learn about different aspects of our school, local and global environment. There is a focus through Global Goals how we can improve our world.
Involve the Wider CommunityFamilies, volunteers and our local shops have supported and helped us in their own special way, by encouraging us, giving up their time, and donating. We are always on the lookout for people and opportunities to help us or help.
Roseburn is
Eco Friendly
Power Saving
Energy Efficient
Caring (about the Environment)
Trying to make a difference updated January 2022

Eco-Warriors Session 2021-22

Here are Roseburn’s Eco Warriors.

Terracycle Litter Collection

TerraCycle is Eliminating the Idea of Waste® by recycling the “non-recyclable.” Whether it’s coffee capsules from your home, pens from a school, or plastic gloves from a manufacturing facility, TerraCycle can collect and recycle almost any form of waste. We partner with individual collectors such as yourself, as well as major consumer product companies, retailers, manufacturers, municipalities, and small businesses across 20 different countries. With your help, we are able to divert millions of pounds of waste from landfills and incinerators each month.